We’re now spending more time glued to our screens than sleeping* so it’s probably no surprise that 90 per cent of computer users say they suffer from screen fatigue – headaches, sore or tired eyes and problems with close-up and long-distance vision.
By being Screen Smart you can help minimise your risk of suffering visual distress and keep your eyes feeling fresh and bright. Here are our quick tips to help minimise screen fatigue:
Wear your specs – If you have been prescribed eyewear for screen (VDU) use, make sure you wear it.
Take frequent breaks – give your eyes a rest by following the 20-20-20 rule. Look away from your screen every 20 minutes, for 20 seconds and focus on objects 20 feet away!
Create an eye-friendly environment – position copy documents at roughly the same distance as your eyes are from the screen to avoid having to continually refocus, and minimise any glare or reflections.
Customise your screen settings – position your monitor an arms length away and keep your eyes level with the top of the screen. Select a font size of 12pts or above and make sure you have a clean screen.
Keep blinking! – Your blink rate can fall by up to 60 per cent when working at a screen. For an instant refresh try closing your eyes and rolling your eyeball around behind the closed lid.
Stay hydrated – dehydration can increase symptoms of screen fatigue so remember to drink plenty of water.
And finally, make sure you have regular sight tests!