• 10 Signs Your Child Needs an Eye Test

    16th August 2016
  • child at school

    Your child's vision is essential to his success in school. When his vision suffers, chances are his schoolwork does, too.

    Vision problems are common among school-age kids. School-age children spend a lot of time in recreational activities that require good vision. After-school team sports or playing in the backyard aren't as fun if you can't see well.

    Warning Signs Of Vision Problems In Kids

    Refractive errors are the most common cause of vision problems among school-age children. Parents, as well as teachers, should be aware of these 10 signs that a child's vision needs correction:

    1. Consistently sitting too close to the TV or holding a book too close
    2. Losing his place while reading or using a finger to guide his eyes when reading
    3. Squinting or tilting the head to see better
    4. Frequent eye rubbing
    5. Sensitivity to light and/or excessive tearing
    6. Closing one eye to read, watch TV or see better
    7. Avoiding activities which require near vision, such as reading or homework, or distance vision, such as participating in sports or other recreational activities
    8. Complaining of headaches or tired eyes
    9. Avoiding using a computer, because it "hurts his eyes"
    10. Receiving lower grades than usual

    Schedule an appointment with an optometrist or ophthalmologist if your child exhibits any of these signs. A visit may reveal that your child has myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) or astigmatism. These common refractive errors are easily corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses.

    (With thanks toAllaboutvision.com)